At a macro-level, I’m a storyteller. And while I’m devoting much of my time to writing novels, I remain passionate about visual story telling. The wonderful thing about being trained as an illustrator is being challenged to tackle many different mediums, to expand your toolkit. Here are some of those experiments:
Comic Book Art – A bunch of projects, including “Hired Muscle Inc.”, “The Plague” and the preliminary work for “First Hawk”.
Ink / Graphite – My favorite medium, here are some examples of a variety of projects from fashion illustration to glamour.
Cartoons – “The Eighth Circle” project, after all these years, I still find these amusing (of course, there’s no accounting for taste).
Drawing / Painting – Acrylics, Oil pastels, charcoal and whatever else I could afford at the time.
Photography – Old-school silver nitrate negatives, days in the darkroom and in-camera manipulations long before the days of Photoshop!